Photo of 8 Australian Labradoodle puppies in a basket
Mattie's Puppies
Photo of Mattie, an Australian Labradoodle
Photo of Cole, an Australian Labradoodle

Heartsong Waltzing Matilda ~ Mattie puppies were born on June 7, 2012. Mom and babies are doing very well. Mattie is the sweetest dog alive and is an attentive, nurturing mother. We expect these puppies to be every bit as gorgeous and as sweet as their parents. We will post photos and videos soon.

Our beautiful Mattie is from our gorgeous foundation girl ~ Sunset Hills Irish Rose x Sir William Conner of Heartsong is quite stunning. Mattie has matured to 42 lbs and 19 inches. She has nice boning, a saber tail, a gorgeous fleece coat, wonderful movement and her mother's quiet confidence and loving disposition. She has very soulful eyes and passes this on to her offspring. Her previous litter with Cole has received rave reviews from the families.

Cole is from our gorgeous Natalie that left us to go to Tai when she was 6 months of age. Natalie was named after Natalie Cole. We have named Cole after his Mom and how we feel about her ~ unforgettable. Cole is everything we were searching for in a stud and we have waited a long time for him. He has perfect conformation, great temperament and a yummy coat. He should mature to a nice medium size boy with a golden/apricot colored coat. Thank You Tai for this extraordinary boy.